Case Studies

ACE Schools

ACE Tiverton

Ablou were approached about becoming a key holder for the school. We now provide 24 hours service, often as a rapid response (for example receiving a request for access at 5am and providing it by 6am).

Iron Mill College

Dissatisfied with their cleaning provider, Iron Mill College approached Ablou. Following a detailed consultation with the college, we tailored our services to their needs.

Iron Mill College
Exeter City Council

The Safer Summer Campaign

The aim was to tackle anti-social behaviour, engage with homeless people and to ensure COVID restrictions were maintained in areas such as Exeter City centre, the Quay.


Unit 7
Hungry Fox Estate

T: 01392 691006

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Company Information

Registered Office: Unit 7 Hungry Fox Estate, Exeter, EX5 3LY, UK.
Company Registration No: 11449650
VAT Registration No: GB 322 6565 11

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All rights reserved.